Monday, December 6, 2010

One of THOSE nights...

We had a much too eventful night last night. Gavin went to bed with nothing more than a slight cough now and then and woke at midnight struggling to breathe, pale as a ghost, and shivering uncontrollably. Called 911. Firetruck with lights and all in cul-de-sac. Pulse ox was 100% but still struggling to breathe. Hit him with the mother load of steroids and got it under control. He spent the rest of the night with the munchies while Matt and I alternately snuck a few hrs sleep. Kaylin slept peacefully the entire time and had no idea anything had happened. G's lungs are clear today and the best the ped could come up with was maybe he choked on some mucus while sleeping and had a bronchial spasm. Really?? EOS peeps...any thoughts?

Deep breath. Need sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that your little one was okay. Two years ago, my son woke up from a nap, and could not breath and had to be in the hospital for 3 days for a very serious case of viral croup. Such a scary thing to have happen to our babies.
    Allergy Mum -
